In this 2021 March Design Literacy International Network online session María del Pilar Correa and María de los Ángeles Juricic discussed their journal article titled Addressing Diversity in Universal Design Literacy: A Sociocultural and Neuroscientific Perspective published in the special issue of Revista Chilena de Diseño, RChD: creación y pensamiento special issue Vol. 5 Núm. 8 (2020) on the theme of Design Literacy for All.
The editorial outlining the scope of special journal issue in Spanish and English is can be downloaded from this link RChD 2020 v5 n8 Editorial Espanol English Design Literacy
In the paper, Correa and Juricic, proposed the incorporation of Design beyond the frontiers of professional Design. In the article, the authors promote universal Design Literacy as a methodological approach to address human biological and social diversity. They also suggest that the ability to identify particular needs in specific populations and to mediate relevant solutions to meet those needs, should not be seen as the exclusive asset of professional Designers.
According to Correa and Juricic, Design should permeate all areas of society that can benefit from its use, and they advocate for the democratization of Design, which they consider crucial for addressing diversity and narrowing equity gaps. Although the text focuses on the specific experience of people with low vision and blindness, the conclusions drawn from the study can be extrapolated to other contexts of diversity and can illuminate future research work aiming for a social impact. The paper can be access on the Revista Chilena de Diseño, RChD: creación y pensamiento portal on this link https://rchd.uchile.cl/index.php/RChDCP/article/view/57650
Event recording in SPANISH (simultaneous interpretation by Aurora Lillo Naranjo)
Event recording in ENGLISH (simultaneous interpretation by Aurora Lillo Naranjo)
Dr. Pilar Correa Silva is full professor in the Department of Design and co-founder of the Center for Tactile Cartography (CECAT) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Communication Technologies, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM). She is also a researcher in the Institutional Program for the Promotion of Research, Development and Innovation (PIDi) in the same university. In her long career, Dr. Correa has developed several R&D projects – among them, the Production and Design System of tactile images for educational books delivered by the Chilean Government to all children with blindness and, more recently, an adaptation of Rorschach’s Test to a tactile version for higher education students. In her role as a Design teacher at university, she leads degree projects with an emphasis on multisensory design for the inclusion of diversity. With funds granted by the National Art Fund, she published the book “Images that we can touch” and scientific articles in international magazines, actively participating in projects, meetings, and training courses throughout Latin America.
María de los Ángeles Juricic, PhD, MSc, is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology, Universidad de Chile Clinical Hospital, and Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile. She did both her undergraduate studies as Biochemist and her PhD in Biomedical Science at Universidad de Chile. Today, Dr. Juricic is group leader in the Neurosystems Laboratory at the same university, where she conducts her research and mentors undergraduate and graduate students. Her main research interest is the experience of perception as an individual and multisensorial phenomenon, with special focus on visual perception, covert attention, and peripheral visual function. She is also interested on translational applications for her research, with potential in low vision rehabilitation therapies and in the design of multisensory objects as inclusive tools.
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