The list of publications related to the Design Literacy is continuously updated. If you would like your and/or other publication to be included in the list then please email us on with the publication details and a link to the article.
Track 6.b Introduction: Design Literacy enabling Critical Innovation Practices
Liv Merete Nielsen, Eva Lutnæs, Mia Porko-Hudd, Úrsula Bravo, Catalina Cortés, Rita Assoreira Almendra, Erik Bohemia
Nielsen, L. M., Lutnæs, E., Porko-Hudd, M., Bravo, Úrsula, Cortés, C., Assoreira Almendra, R., & Bohemia, E. (2019). Track 6.b Introduction: Design Literacy enabling Critical Innovation Practices. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1291–1294.
Framing the concept design literacy for a general public
Eva Lutnæs
LUTNÆS , E. (2019). Framing the concept design literacy for a general public. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1295–1305.
Developing design literacy for social agency
Miikka J. Lehtonen & JiaYing Chew
Lehtonen, M. J., & Chew, J. (2019). Developing design literacy for social agency. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1307–1317.
A Framework to Accelerate Universal Design Literacy
Christopher Pacione
Pacione , C. (2019). A Framework to Accelerate Universal Design Literacy. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 131/8–1335.
Roles of Design Processes Models as Didactic Materials
Úrsula Bravo & Erik Bohemia
Bravo , Ú, & Bohemia , E. (2019). Roles of Design Processes Models as Didactic Materials. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1336–1352.
Working Together – Cooperation or Collaboration?
Randi Veiteberg Kvellestad, Ingeborg Stana & Gunhild Vatn
Kvellestad, R. V., Stana, I., & Vatn, G. (2019). Working Together. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1353–1367.
Social innovation for modified consumption by means of the school subject Art and craft
Anita Neuberg
Neuberg, A. (2019). Social innovation for modified consumption by means of the school subject Art and craft. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management, 2(1), 1368–1377.
Adaptive digital capability development – Professional learning for educators across disciplines
Fiona Peterson, Cathy Lockhart & Catherine Raffaele
Peterson , J. F., Lochart, C., & Raffaele, C. (2019). Adaptive digital capability development. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1378–1388.
Democratizing Design – Can higher education survive?
Rebecca Kelly
Kelly, R. (2019). Democratizing Design. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1389–1400.
Design Thinking Mindset – Developing Creative Confidence
Lars Groeger, Jochen Schweitzer, Leanne Sobel & Bridget Malcolm
Groegern, L., Schwetzer, J., Sobel, L., & Malcolm, B. (2019). Design Thinking Mindset. Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management , 2(1), 1401–1413.
The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers were published as four volumes by . The proceeding are available to read online or as four PDFs which can be downloaded from the links.
Citing the full proceeding a recommend reference:
Reitan, J. B., Lloyd, P., Bohemia, E., Nielsen, L. M., Digranes, I., & Lutnæs, E. (Eds.). (2013). Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD – Design Learning for Tomorrow: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers. Oslo, Norway: ABmedia.
Citing a selected paper recommend reference:
FirstAuthorLastName, A., & SecondAuthorLastName, B. (2013). The Article’s Title. In J. Beate Reitan, P. Lloyd, E. Bohemia, L. Merete Nielsen, I. Digranes, & E. Lutnæs (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers: Design Learning for Tomorrow – Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD (Vol. X, pp. XXX–XXX). Oslo, Norway: ABmedia.