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Maureen Carroll | Where Empathy and Learning Meet | Design Literacy International Network event

Maureen Carroll | Where Empathy and Learning Meet | Design Literacy International Network event


Tuesday, March 7, 2023    
18:00 CET – 19:00 CET


Bookings closed

Event Type

Maureen Carroll kick started the 2023 Engage with Ideas talks. Her talk titled Where Empathy and Learning Meet explored a question: What does empathy look like in design-driven classrooms?

Maureen discussed strategies educators might use to create student-centered classrooms that embody a sense of belonging, honors students’ life experiences, and reframes relationship building. Specifically, she will frame her discussion around the challenge of co-constructed learning in the 21st century.

Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction rather than passively receiving information. Learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge. Our classrooms must reflect the mutuality of teaching and learning with empathy at its core. Learning from and with people and contexts is not simply a step that we reference in the design process; instead, it permeates the work of a designer. It requires deliberate practice, as we must intentionally seek opportunities to deeply connect with people in meaningful ways. What does learning from and with others look like in a design-driven, learner-centered classroom?  It begins and ends with empathy.

Event recording in ENGLISH:


Event recording in SPANISH:


Maureen Carroll headshotThe Maureen’s talk was based on her article titled Where Empathy Meets Learning: Exploring Design Abilities in K–12 Classrooms

Maureen Carroll, Ph.D., is the Founder of Lime Design. Lime Design builds future-ready creative thinkers through experiential learning workshops for teachers and K-16 students. Carroll has been teaching at Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( for over a decade and was the Director of REDlab. She has published research in The Journal of Research in STEM Education, The International Journal of Art & Design Education, J-PEER, BASE Innovation Journal, Design Studies, and The NCTE Voices from the Middle Journal and has a Ph.D. from the UC Berkeley in Education: Language, Literacy & Culture.

The Maureen Carroll’s presentation slides titled Where Empathy Meets Learning Exploring Design Abilities in K-12 Classrooms saved as PDF (13Mb) can be downloaded from this link.


Carroll, M., & McBain, L. (2021). Where Empathy Meets Learning: Exploring Design Abilities in K–12 Classrooms. Voices from the Middle, 29(1).



Bookings are closed for this event.