July’s invited Design Literacy International Network talk titled Cross-pollinative Team Learning (CTL): Recalibrating Power Structures in the Design Studios [Aprendizaje en equipo de polinización cruzada en el taller de diseño // 协作式团队学习:设计工作室中权力结构的重新调整] will be delivered by Liow Zhengping (Ping). Ping’s talk is based on his book chapter titled: Start It Right [S.I.R.] – A Heterarchy Studio Pedagogical Model for Generation Z Learners . The chapter is from the book titled: Effective Design Critique Strategies Across Disciplines, which was published in 2021. In his talk, Ping will particularly focus around issues related to creating relevant studio learning experiences for our Generation Z students.
Start-it-Right (S.I.R.) model
Ping will discuss potential threats of the ubiquitous one-on-one Master and Apprentice pedagogical model and Gen Z’s Learning dispositions as foundations for the experimental ‘Cross-pollination Team Learning – CTL’ design studio framework. For example, Green and Bonollo (2003) concluded that students engaging in one-on-one desk critiques tend to heavily depend on tutors for the generation and resolution of their designs. This echoes Bohemia and Ghassan’s research which suggested that in England universities the design education is predominantly ‘Tutor-led’. This is where lecturers are at the centre of teaching and learning activities and where educators’ tastes dictate students’ outcomes, may hamper design graduates to be sufficiently prepared for working in highly complex professional capacities synonymous with the contemporary era (Bohemia & Ghassan, 2011; Ghassan & Bohemia, 2014)
Event recording in ENGLISH
Event recording in SPANISH:
Event recording in CHINESE:
Liow Zhengping (Ping) is a Lecturer in Architecture & a PhD student in Singapore and has been developing his keen interest in architectural education through his research. He positions his studies at the intersection of educational psychology, design studio pedagogy, and cross-pollinative team learning (CTL) strategies with a focus on dismantling the asymmetrical power structures of the studio’s Hidden Curriculum. He has delivered guest lectures and spoken at numerous international conferences since 2016. He was recently awarded the ‘Best Research Paper’ for his manuscript titled I can and I will: a study of ‘grit’ in a collaborative team learning studio pedagogical culture presented at the Design Research Society’s LXD 2021 International Conference for Design Educators. Ping envies cats because they appear to get more sleep than he does!
The upcoming talk is part of the Engage with Ideas monthly series, which explore the relationship between design, education, and society. Recordings from the past Engage with Ideas sessions are available here.
Bohemia, E., & Ghassan, A. (2011). Opening Doors: Broadening Designers’ Skill Set. In N. Roozenburg, L.-L. Chen, & P. J. Stappers (Eds.), IASDR2011: 4th World Conference on Design Research. TU Delft.
Ghassan, A., & Bohemia, E. (2014). The Global Studio: Incorporating Peer-Learning into the Design Curriculum. FORMakademisk, 8(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.1406
Green, L. N., & Bonollo, E. (2003). Studio-based teaching: history and advantages in the teaching of design. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 2(2), 270–272. http://www.wiete.com.au/journals/WTE&TE/Pages/Vol.2,%20No.2%20(2003)/GreenBonollo10.pdf
Liow, Z. (2021). Start It Right [S.I.R.] – A Heterarchy Studio Pedagogical Model for Generation Z Learners.In S. Watson Zollinger & J. Nyboer (Eds.), Effective Design Critique Strategies Across Disciplines. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.24926/edc.204
Bookings are closed for this event.