In the upcoming November’s Engage with Ideas talk titled Fostering Design Literacy to address Extended Producer Responsibility, Oscar Huerta and Catalina Cortés will discuss how companies are learning how to eco-design packaging, in order to facilitate the producer’s need for compliance with a new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) law. In 2016 the national government introduced a legislation which will be enforced in 2023, in which the producers will be responsible for their products from the ‘cradle to grave’.
Their talk, which will be based on the paper titled Integrating ecodesign in food packaging solutions for EPR compliance in Chile: Knowledge transfer from theory to practice, by Oscar Huerta, Carolina Melo & Catalina Cortés, will explore how a ten session course for packaging companies’ professionals can serve as a case of Design Literacy. The twenty four business participants, who worked in the packaging industry, had a range of experiences and functional backgrounds, such as: commercial director, process engineer, packaging and brand designer, tooling technician and general manager. Most of the participants were outside of the design disciplines.
During the course, the participants were asked to describe the packaging system of a specific food product of their choice, and identify its different functions throughout its life cycle. Three main stages were defined by the instructors to organise the design process: (i) diagnose and problem framing, (ii) explore and define, and (iii) deliver. The ten sessions are described as follows:
Sessions of the course Packaging Ecodesign for EPR Compliance
Sessions | Contents | Activities |
Session 1 | EPR Legislation in Chile | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 2 | Product Life Cycle | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 3 | Waste Management Systems | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 4 | Ecodesign | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 5 | Packaging Ecodesign Workshop # 1 | Project Launching |
Session 6 | Sustainable Production & Consumption | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 7 | Packaging Ecodesign Workshop # 2 | Project development feedback |
Session 8 | Sustainability Tools | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 9 | Corporate Sustainability | Lecture and Exercise |
Session 10 | Packaging Ecodesign Workshop # 3 | Project Delivery and Presentation |
Life Cycle Design Strategy Wheel framework was used to guided development of the course.
Event recording in ENGLISH:
Event recording in SPANISH:
Event recording in CHINESE:
Oscar Huerta, is a Chilean researcher, designer and professor who specializes in the assessment of the environmental and socioeconomic performance of product systems, and in designing or redesigning such systems in order to minimize negative impacts and maximize sustainability performance. Oscar works at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, School of Design.
Catalina Cortés, has been awarded national and international funds and acknowledgements focused on: strengthening the knowledge about design literacies for the general public; emergent teachers’ spatial design thinking processes; and the development of tangible interfaces to teach and learn abstract concepts. Catalina works at the Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.
Huerta, O., Cortés, C., & Melo, C. (2022). Integrating ecodesign in food packaging solutions for EPR compliance in Chile: Knowledge transfer from theory to practice. In D. Lockton, S. Lenzi, P. Hekkert, A. Oak, J. Sádaba, & P. Lloyd (Eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao. DRS. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.241
Bookings are closed for this event.