Design literacy in the Chilean curriculum: opportunity, omission or unfulfilled promise?

The Chilean Ministry of Education aims to form socially responsible citizens committed to their environment, we wonder about the convergences of the Chilean curriculum with design literacy principles. Does the Chilean curriculum offer opportunities to implement design literacy-based pedagogies? At what level and related to what courses subjects could they be implemented?

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Fostering Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles through a design thinking approach

This case study explores in-service educators' use of design thinking-based methods and tools during the final seminar of a graduate course. The study involved 35 students from the 2016 and 2017 cohorts who attended the "Seminar on innovation for diversity in school". All the participants were working educators, the majority being teachers, although there were also psychologists and speech therapists. The information collected included participant observation, reports, forms, and prototypes elaborated by the participants.

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